IC D*Peppermountz Prada


Černá panterka Prada se narodila v rodině Marion (Peppermountz*DE) a my jsme neskutečně rádi za ni!

Prada je maminkou vrhu B a C a je již kastrovaná.

Black cuddly panther were born in Marion´s family (Peppermountz*DE) and we´re very glad for her!

Prada is mother of litters B and C and is neutered yet.



Catdancer`s Poseidon Hurakan Int.Ch. Koontucky Captain Blauber of Waldemaine SGC Megacoon (Guitars) Rocking Cyrus SGC Coonceint (Gentle-Giants) Majerle
Koontucky Millicent of Megacoon
Ch. Kellycat Voodoo of Koontucky Ch. Kellycat Thunder Cloud
Ch. Dreamaines Starry Night of Kellycat
Coondancer`s B.B. Ubangi Ch. Catdancer`s Sullivan-Kaeten Ch. Catdancer`s Ilja I. Rouge
Tabita v. Bersrod
Catdancer`s Nelly Belle WCH-Euro.Ch. Koontucky Major Otti of Waldemaine
Catdancer`s Hill Billie Jane
D*Peppermountz Nessaja Peppermountz Flashlight Ch. Love Hulen`s Mr. Spot Eur.Ch. Love Hulen`s Scoop
Udklittens Cheyenne
Peggy-Sue of Loveliness Eur.Ch. Graeftenhof`s Hemingway
Ch. Jingle Bells of Tenderness
Ch. Inka of Chamberlain Int.Ch. Wildwillows Sisco Two Stars Ch. Wildwillows Jumpin`J. Flash
Koontucky Shannandoah
Int.Ch. Cheyenne-Naomi of Chamberlain Gr.Int.Ch. Yankee Pearl`s O`Malley
Gr.Int.Ch. DK-Milinocket`s Peggy Sue



3-6 month (12)
8.8.09 EX 1 NVK Stříbro, Czech Angelika KNEIFEL
29.8.09 EX 1, BIS NOM. Chodová Planá, Czech CALLMES
12.9.09 EX 1 Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Grazyna MALAGA
3.10.09 EX 1 Liberec, Czech Marie ŘÍHOVÁ
6-10month (11)
17.10.09 EX 1 Congres Center Prague, Czech Helene REITER
18.10.09 EX 1 Congres Center Prague, Czech Grazyna MALAGA
28.11.09 EX 1; NOM BIS Kladno, Czech Anne VELAND
Open (9)
13.2.10 CAC Clarion Hotel Prague, Czech Dr. Martin KABINA
14.2.10 CAC Clarion Hotel Prague, Czech RECHOWICZ
27.2.10 CAC Manětín, Czech Soňa IVANKOVÁ
Champion (7)
X.3.10 CACIB Bratislava, SK ---
20.3.10 CACIB NOMINACE Pyramida Prague, Czech Judith ZUURVELD
21.3.10 CACIB Pyramida Prague, Czech Berta NĚMCOVÁ



Nelly Ness*CZ is Fifes member. All our cats are tested for HCM, Felv and FIV with negative results.
Dont copy the design and photography. All rights reserved for Nelly Ness*CZ cattery.
Created by Adjust | Design